Where does your spiritual journey begin?


I still remember my first visits to church as an unchurched teenager when I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. For my entire ministry I have prayed that I would remember that there are more and more people like I was at that stage of my spiritual life. I have tried to focus a great deal of my teaching and writing ministry on those who are just beginning a new life in Christ, and those who are trying to help them; hence the name, Birthline Ministries. The term "birthline" comes from a paradigm I use comparing the experience of spiritual birth to physical pregnancy and birth, explained in some detail in my book,Beginnings. You should also read the paper in "Resources" which gives a more theological explanation of my writings (the footnotes are a treasury of rich resources). 

Stephen Smallman served for over fifty years in pastoral ministry. He was the executive director of World Harvest Mission (now Serge), taught for CityNet Ministries of Philadelphia and served in a number of interim capacities. He is currently retired and living in Dresher, PA

Reach out to me at stephensmallman@mac.com.